Brigadier Jerry

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A speed-rapping pioneer "Briggy" was the featured toaster of the Jah Love sound system run by an uptown Rasta organization called the Twelve Tribes, which counted Bob Marley among its membership. His raps are invariably cultural, not slack (bawdy), and he ruled the mid-'80s DJ clashes in Jamaica.

Brigadier Jerry is a DJ all Jamaican DJs have looked up to. As he was young he also was Roots-DJing in King Sturgav Hi Fi, owned by the legendary U Roy. As "Briggy" never did much studio work, people would come from many miles to see him live. Early on "Briggy" recorded an album titled "Jamaica Jamaica" which was released on the RAS label. 1990 Briggy recorded his second album "On The Road" for RAS records, and in 1992 he reactivated Jah Love in Jamaica and recorded the album "Hail Him" for Tappa Zukie, which contained the two hits "Bangarang" and "Raggamuffin".

Brigadier Jerry
picture: Daysu Yah Ya Ibn


1998 De Historic Return of King StarGuv / Live in the UK (Baba Boom)
1995 Freedom Street (VP)
1990 Jamaica / Jamaica (VP)
1990 On the Road (Ras)
1985 Jamaica Jamaica (RAS)

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